Thursday, July 02, 2009

In the groundbreaking Food Network's, The Chef Jeff Project—bestselling author, popular speaker and award winning Chef, Jeff Henderson steers at-risk youths through a culinary and lifestyle type boot-camp designed to give each a second chance—and about second chances, he knows. Once an offender himself, Henderson served a 10 year sentence for drugs, and while there discovered the power of food—his life's true calling. From pot and pan detail to Executive Chef at the renowned Cafe Bellagio and Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, the passionate advocate for second changes now focuses on giving back. Here we caught-up with the Chef to see what's cooking!

Frankie: What sparked your interest in the culinary arts?

Chef-Henderson: It definitely wasn’t my dream to one day become a chef; until after spending several years in prison. I was bitten by the culinary arts through misfortune, when I was fired from my prison job and was placed in the pot and pan room in the kitchen. Many inmates may have seen this as punishment, but I saw it as an opportunity. That's what started me out in the culinary arts. FULL FEATURE

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